Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Letter 2016

First of all, yes I sent out Christmas letters. Although in true Christmas fashion they went into the mail yesterday. :( 

However I figured with Christmas less than a week away I would post our letter on "Google" as Cooper calls it. 

Merry Christmas and many blessings on 2017. 

Merry Christmas from the Olivers
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” -Helen Keller

And man oh man has this year been a daring adventure. I'm pretty sure it will go down in history as this wildest adventure we have taken part in. Now let me elaborate just a little bit and start back in January, give or take.

January usually marks the start of the new year, new resolutions and aspirations and for us it marked the year we really began farming. Farming, while part of both of our childhoods, did not really become a reality for us until the start of 2016. We have partnered alongside Glenn and Glenys (Morgan's parents) with the intention of farming together. While moving out to the farmhouse did not happen until April we began our farming journey at the start of the year.

Newsflash: Farm life is a reality check!

Morgan gave work his two week notice for March 31 and we moved to the farmyard April 2! We have learned so much about farming, family dynamics and each other. I don't think either us have learned this much this quickly EVER! Calving season, to upkeep of the yard, and still maintaining 'normal' family life were just a few of the things we needed to learn.

Our kids have been rock stars this year! I know, I know you aren't supposed to brag in a Christmas letter. However, the long days in the baler/combine, or sitting in the house while Mom and Dad pulled calves proved to be more often than not. Sawyer and especially Cooper learned that while Mom and Dad still love them sometimes they had to be grown up and live life on their own for a couple of hours. Sawyer quickly learned how to use a landline so we could keep in touch even if we were just on top of the hill with the cow/calf pairs. Cooper learned to pack his own lunch so he could ride with Grandma, then Grandpa, then Daddy and then Mommy. He became very independent.

It has been a great year with all of us growing in our maturity, independence and community.

Sawyer started grade 1 this past fall and not only does she love the bus ride, but she loves her school and most of all her teacher! It is such a blessing to have teachers who are so invested in our kids lives at such an impressionable age. Sawyer is still taking Highland Dance lessons in town and loves practicing her high cuts and pas de basques. Something new for Sawyer this year has been piano lessons. She loves her piano teacher and surprisingly loves to practice as well. We are so proud of the little lady she is becoming!

Our little farmer Cooper is trying many new things this year. He is loving his 'daily' chores with Daddy. I love that they want to spend time together and Cooper is learning about machinery, cattle and above all work ethic. Cooper has also started hockey this fall. It was a rough start for Coop and I but he is now LOVING hockey! His team has already been in two tournaments and he scored his first goal just recently!

Even though Morgan and I have taken on a whole new role in our lives, that of being farmers. It has not taken away from our social lives. I am co-leading a group of grade 7 girls from Church. I have found it very rewarding to watch them grow over the past 3 months and look forward to continually watching and learning from this group of girls. Other than youth (which takes up 2 nights a week) I am running for hockey 3 times a week and then am in an adult small group as well. I find that all of this plus helping Morgan wherever I can takes up most of my time.

Although I do sneak in a nap here and there. Shhhh...

Morgan has been keeping busy with the day to day operations on the farm. It has been fun watching him learn how to run the farm from the operations viewpoint. During calving season I pointed out a cow that I thought looked in distress, (because I know so much about cows. NOT) so I asked, no told Morgan that he needed to check the cow. After we had her in the maternity pen and Morgan was gloved up, I thought to myself, 'This is awesome. Morgan knows exactly what he is doing.' However, once the cow was checked and eventually the calf was pulled Morgan shared that he in fact had never had to check a cow before (I'll spare you the appalling details).

On top of farming Morgan keeps busy with a board game night, leading our adult small group, teaching the kids new board games and dare I say it, playing Dungeons and Dragons (Don't tell Grandma)!!

This year has been full of surprises, challenges and growth. We are so blessed that we get to do this as a family!

New to our family this year (in no particular order):
Cody the dog
Shadow the cat
A house (& it has a dishwasher!!!)
A nephew, Everett
We wish you many blessings as you prepare for 2017!
Love Morgan, Nikki, Sawyer & Cooper

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Novembers end

I find with the excitement of Christmas coming that it is important to take time for the little things. Enjoying hockey, cuddling, family time and remembering the real reason for the Christmas season.

Cuddling while working on their God Time sheets

End of the first game of the tournament

Cousin time

Decorating for Christmas

Clearing the crease. 

Bribery at it's finest. Games with Mom and Dad if you do your chores.

Downtime after a long Monday.

Getting on the bus. Dark when she gets on and almost dark when she gets off the bus.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Family time!

Last Thursday Jess, Tyler and my Mom came for a visit. It was a great time of celebrating and playing.

Popcorn makes the best snack! 

Opening presents at A Bit Extreme. 

The forever crafter! 

The boys joining in.

Grandma time

Lots of books were read. 

Lunch at "The Chocolate Fountain Restaurant"!!! 

These were the best pictures I could get. Haha

Family present night! Gifts from GG. 

Cake time! Isn't ice cream cake the best?! 

Cooper's beautiful new shelves from Grandpa P

And as always, Mom helped me fill the freezers with perogies and buns! 

Helping Grandma

Quick trip to Costco with Grandma. 

With all of Cooper's birthday money he was able to buy this cool "lego" set. 

The last month

This past month has seemed to fly by and to be honest I cannot even really remember what has all happened. :) 

Finding Daddy from when he went to QE

Did a chalk painting night with Glenys. They turned out pretty cute! 

We met the newest Bargen a few weeks ago. Cooper was loving the cuddles

Demi Anne 

Oh thats right, we've been playing hockey 3 times a week. 

In net. 

These two cuties all ready for trick or treating.

I love how involved churches in Lloyd get with Operation Christmas child. The kids love shopping for our boxes. This year we went to the shoebox packing party. It was a great time and the kids could take in the love our church has for our larger community. 

We've had a bit more cousin time lately, especially with their being no school a couple of weeks ago. 

All that cousin time and playing hard at hockey makes this boy TIRED! 

A beautiful November day to play with our neighbors!